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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  April 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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right now at 11:00, is it dirty politics? recount is underway, but there are new questions emerging about who pushed for this recount, and who is paying for it. this is the closely watched race to replace the outgoing congresswoman, and su. the race ended in a tie for the second race. tonight, one of the candidates is pointing the finger at another, demanding he come clean. >> nbc bay area's jocelyn moran joins us with the exclusive story, and joslyn, this is getting complicated and heated. >> reporter: it is, it is coming from a newly formed super pack, call called count the vote. we got our information on that's a perfect, signed by james sutton. a name that also has ties to sam liccardo. the first day of the recount is officially over. the second day is that to start
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tomorrow. as long as san mateo and santa clara counties keep receiving these checks each day, but who is cutting them? take a look at these $12,000 checks, made out to santa clara county. they were sent by count the vote. a search of the federal election commission website shows that is a super pack, just formed on april 9th, by james sutton. the address on the check? the same address of a law firm, once look working with sam liccardo. and then there is this, the man who ordered the recount, jonathan idea, listed sutton as an attorney who could take action on his behalf padilla worked on locarno's mayoral campaign at one point. these revelations have in low's team working tonight. in a statement to nbc bay area, lower's campaign spokesperson says, given the relevant revelation that a dark money super pack was formed a few days ago to bankroll the recount it is time for sam liccardo to come clean. some desperately wants to avoid a three-way race and the public deserves to know what was offered to the pack for its secret donors in return for funding this recount. but sam liccardo's team to
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continues to deny any involvement in the recount. when we reached out for, tonight, this is the statement we receive. quote, sam liccardo believes that every vote should be counted and every voice to be heard. locarno security top spot in the march primary. joe samiti and joined up in a dead tie for 2nd. before the recount was ordered, all three were said to face off again in november. so, who stands to benefit from this recount? a political science expert is weighing in. >> this is a very unusual situation, because the person who came in first in the primary actually has the strongest incentive to ask for a recount. so he can face off against one person, in november in of two. >> reporter: but you point out the request came from a voter. >> a voter who does have passed ties to sam liccardo, but a voter nonetheless, which is absolutely legal. any voter in the district can request the recount. it is just very unusual.
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>> reporter: santa clara county's registry of motor says the recount could take anywhere from 1-2 weeks. >> all right, and we are still trying to figure out the legalities of all of this. we reached out to both son maclaren and san mateo county voters, we did not hear back. i also messaged jonathan mattea, we do not expect to hear back. >> joslyn, this will be going on for a while we think it this was no ordinary night at chase center, dig watch? 20 of warriors fans showing up for this outdoor viewing party, and these fans went home with plenty of questions and concerns. this is not only the end of the warriors's season, this might be the end of an era. the warriors blown out tonight in sacramento, losing to the kings. we will now hear a lot about how and if the warriors should rebuild their roster. >> and bc's anthony florez is court quartzite in sacramento tonight. and anthony, this is a tough one, this is a sobering lost? >> reporter: it certainly is. it is the end of the season for the warriors come into who knows, maybe the end of the
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dynasty. they were blown out tonight by the kings in sacramento in the 9-10 play game. they were walking from start to finish. it was a white out, but you can see there was blue and gold sprinkled throughout the arena. hundreds of warriors fans made the roughly 85 mile drive from san francisco to this date capitol, despite trailing burke most of the game. dove nation was loud and did their best to cheer on the warriors. by the end of the game, there were a lot of sad faces. golden state was playing catch- up early on. the splash brothers were never really able to get it going. steph curry had a quiet 22 points. the kings did a really good job making a mark for every bucket the story of the game? klay thompson struggling with his shot. he was scoreless, going 0 for tenant in the square. being the warriors 118-94. now the question? is the dynasty over? >> these guys are all still really good players. so, hopefully we can re-sign play, raymonde and steph are
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both under contract. so, we are going to roll it back next year. >> it is a tough way to end our year, for sure. we give ourselves a chance to be in this situation, where, you know, you win one game, you win one game, we are right where we expect to be, but we are going home so, definitely frustrating, disappointing to say the least. >> you heard steph curry. disappointing, frustrating. the warriors were playing their best basketball, they believe they had a serious run and then this postseason, it comes to an end. back to head coach, steve kerr, he says he was chris thompson block and steve pull back, but there is a business i'd of escape, it will be a very interesting off-season for the warriors. life in sacramento, anthony flores, nbc bay area. >> thank you, anthony, very interesting about coach kerr
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about getting this together. thank you, anthony. much more highlights from this game and comments from that warriors locker room coming up in about 15 minutes from now. tonight, all of the protesters arrested yesterday for blocking traffic on the golden gate bridge have been released from san francisco county jail. but this doesn't mean that they are in the clear. in fact, the san francisco district attorney says they are using the extra time to figure out exactly which crimes these people should be facing. some of those charges are felonies. nbc bay area's terry mcsweeney has the story. >> one by one, the people arrested yesterday for holding up traffic on the golden gate bridge were really released from the city's maine jaylon seventh street. but even though they had been arrested in full public view and today were being released onto a public sidewalk, the supporters told the media to not show them on camera and did all they could to make sure we didn't. protest leaders also announced, don't speak to the media.
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a bigger problem for the 26 arrested yesterday was san francisco, district attorney, brooke jenkins. she wants to make sure whatever charges she files are backed up with strong evidence. charges, such as false imprisonment, and conspiracy. which would mean-- >> these people had planned list , that there were strategy, that they work together to plan out the commission of these misdemeanor crimes. the chp today releasing pictures of protesters here, demonstrators used pipes to link themselves together while inside their vehicles, delaying their arrest. governor newsom today saying he supports political expression, but not the way these demonstrators did it. >> i think there is a better way of expressing it than denying people the way to get to work. someone an emergency who can't get to their destination. i don't think that is helpful. >> reporter: jenkins says she was disappointed at the lenient sentence dished out by a judge to the protesters, who shot on the bay bridge for two hours last year. >> this time around the chp did
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some it-- warded book these individuals on a felony conspiracy charge, and we will have that evidence in front of us and make a decision on whether or not this amounted to felony conduct. >> reporter: district attorney jenkins is asking the thousands of people caught in traffic, as a result of the protest of the golden gate bridge yesterday-- especially those who were on their way to a medical appointment or treatment. to contact the moran and chp to file a report. in san francisco, terry mcsweeney, nbc bay area news. five employees at google were rusted tonight after staging a protest inside a ceo's office in sunnyvale. >> yes. >> so, they live streamed all of it, including the moment police took the five employees into custody. the demonstrators were demanding google drop project nimbus, a google ai and cloud tech service that is being used by israel. they also wanted an end to what they call harassment, intimidation, and censorship of palestinian and muslim google workers. the protesters arrested tonight are facing charges of terminal trespassing.
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a follow-up tonight after two teenage girls were killed in napa. police say they arrested a 22- year-old man from vallejo, who now faces murder charges. you see the candles there, and flowers that were left at the spot where the shooting happened on saturday night? on riverside drive. still no details on what led up to the shooting. the victims were 17 and 19 years old. police also arrested two other 19-year-old girls from santa rosa. they face charges of aiding in a felony. we do have an update on a controversial plan to close level two trauma center at regional medical center in east san jose. after hours of public testimony tonight against a closure, santa clara county leaders voted to approve a county report supporting a move for the state to deny closure of the hospital. now, if the hospital corporation of america closes the facility in august, the county will be left with only two trauma centers. that means people in east san
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jose will be forced to travel to bali son medical center or hospital for trauma care. >> trauma means immediate medical help. when there is no immediate medical help, you can't put a band-aid on a gunshot wound, and say go. you cannot put a band-aid on someone who is lying in the street, losing their life. >> regional has cited a drop in use for the closure, but those opposed to the move would say it would literally cost lives. it is now up to the state to make a final decision. new at 11:00, a big blow to a baseball team in the east a bit with an $15,000 worth of equipment was stolen. this comes of the league is trying to make a comeback, following the pandemic. so, what now? here is nbc's pete suratos. >> it is a typical tuesday night of youth baseball in concord, for the junior optimist baseball league. with both parents and players enjoying the sights and sounds
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of america's past time. but a weekend robbery of equipment, used to make sure operations run smoothly is leaving some parents both frustrated and concerned for their safety. >> how can people just come into the complex when we are not here? do i feel safe coming here alone with my son? so, there's a lot of feelings of uncertain, and a little bit scared about it >> reporter: joanne davies, a parent and coach for the league. she is a bit shook up by an incident of the conflict on saturday, with them stealing more than $50,000 worth of equipment from the league's facility, including an atv used to maintain multiple baseball fields for games, as well as a utility trailer, and a generator. she points at the league is run by parents who volunteer their free to for kids. so, without this equipment it could take longer to prepare for games and impact the season. >> we prep the fields, we take out the trash and we do everything here to make sure the kids can just come and play. and now have to obviously get your a lot earlier. we don't have the equipment. >> the league has set up a gofundme to replace the cost of
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the much-needed equipment. steve fisher is the vice president of the league and is devastated by the incident and says it comes as the league tries to increase player participation which hasn't been the same since the pandemic. >> it is very disappointing, because we are stealing from new kids, you know? stealing from a league over 50 years. >> fisher says they filed a police report with the contra costa county sheriff's office. we reached out for, tonight on that investigation, but have yet to hear back. in the meantime, the games will go on with parents, like joanne, making sure the kids can focus on the game, the leak pushes through yet another setback. in concord, pete suratos, nbc bay area news. >> let's get them some help, that field looks great, hopefully we can stay that way. we are back in 60 seconds. up next, he got an alert from a security camera and ran straight out the front door. we will show you what happened when a man confronted two
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thieves trying to steal his truck. plus, your eyes are not deceiving you. that is an elephant walking down the street. but why? and where did it come from? well, that is making headlines across the nation tonight. i am chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri. we had 70s on the day,
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surveillance video shows jones pulling the suspect of the truck and holding him in the neck as he yells for his life to call police. that is when a second suspect. to fire a single shot. >> i had the guy in front of me and i didn't plan that. i just -- i was holding him in a certain way that, if the guy- - with the guy tried to shoot a there was not much to hit, because the guy was in front of me. >> it is unclear if the managers had in a headlock was hit the bullet, and after the shot, two suspects jumped into their getaway car and sped away. >> we should probably think, next time, about going out there and facing them, because that was really hard to watch. sometimes you that my husband.
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>> reporter: jones's wife says it was terrifying, and she is grateful her husband is okay >> i told him, next time be a little less tough and don't go out there, or at least go out with a that. >> i lived here for over 20 years, we have had two was stolen from the front of our house command at some point you just get tired of it and you want to stop them, so i did not have a plan to catch on it. >> reporter: hayward police say they encouraged people to be good witnesses, they say confronting criminals isn't wise. >> this could have gone a number of different ways, and in these cases you never know if somebody is armed. >> reporter: police say the suspect ditched getaway car, which was stolen a few blocks away. they are working to track down the men. meanwhile, jones and his family are grateful that things turned out okay. >> i think he is a hero to our family, yes. >> reporter: in hayward, jody hernandez, nbc bay area, news. both the san bruno and san francisco jails remain on lockdown tonight after several violent attacks on deputies. both jails have been locked down, since friday. today deputies found jill made
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weapons at the san bruno jail after two inmates were refusing to leave their sale while another deputy was assaulted at the processing center. the sheriff's department said nine deputies and staff have been injured or assaulted, since march 29th. the public defender's office blames staffing shortages. the sheriff is pointing to crowded jails, violent offenders and delayed court cases. a solution for drivers in the south bay has turned into more of a mess. so, take a look here. the turbo roundabout connect to highly traveled road between hollister in gilroy. it was built to prevent car accidents, but some drivers say it is too confusing because of an all the different options, and some drivers are speeding through it. data also shows an uptick in accidents since that roundabout was built. caltrans says it was meant to be an effective solution. take a look. not something that we see every day. what is that? >> an elephant?
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>> that is an elephant, running through the streets of butte, montana, visiting the jordan world circus. got loose this evening. walked through traffic, even stopped for a bathroom break on somebody's lawn. eventually, handlers were able to safely corral it. so, the elephant did not get injured, everything was fine. >> that is great. >> oh my gosh. >> even in your car-- what's that? >> just need a little break? >> just a little. even in your car you are not safe for an elephant, that is another little stuff for them, yikes. as we head through this forecast, high pressure will keep it dry for us, main storm track to the north, it will be a little bit different is the storm track moving through central and southern california. that will bring back some cloud cover. let me show you more details on that. also, yes, some rainfall could be in our future here in the next 10 days. so, let's take it into tomorrow morning and we will started off with some fog in cloud cover mixing in and then through the afternoon we keep some of that high cloud cover, but i still
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think we will get some sunshine mixing in for us. overall as we started off to as well tomorrow that high pressure not nearly as cold. remember this weekend? 30s and low 40s, starting off milder here that will make it nicer for you as you head out the door, 50s as well, north bay, san francisco and east bay. let's take you to those daytime highs and look at this, down across the south bay. we are going back up. eddie here in milpitas, san jose, low 80s morgan hill in gilroy. we have that for you in the east. livermore,, concord, walnut creek and 80 degree plus club. 77 in hayward at the coastline, not as much with that ocean breeze. palo alto up towards san francisco. 68 in the marina, and we get into some 70s here through downtown in the mission. up across the north bay, 78 in clearlake and onto sonoma, 77.
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now, there will be a system offshore, as we had through thursday's forecast. it is going to get close here with some rainfall offshore by saturday morning, but everything still shows us breaking up through the weekend, so right now looks dry, sunshine and rest day with these warm temperatures on saturday and sunday. look at this in livermore, 75 on saturday, 80 on sunday, and oh, yes, next week, here we go, temperatures dropping back down to the 60s, and along with that, still looks like we may still get into some rainfall, maybe a quarter of an inch, possibly even higher. we will continue to monitor that, next friday and next saturday, the 26th and 27th. but as of right now, the next seven days will stay dry here, with that focus on sunshine and very comfortable temperatures. and you know, with that potential rain next week, we may even get some snow for the sierras, how about that? how about it? you guys to go skiing.
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>> thanks. thanks, jeff. all right, still ahead, they are joining heads and tears on the voice. meet the sensations from the peninsula, who have rebuil putting the brakes on autonomous cars. the push
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♪ because i need you to see. ♪ that you are the reason. ♪ >> nice. >> they are good. favorite story of the night, the dynamic duo, from millbury, making the bay area proud, on the voice. twin brothers, justin and jeremy garcia, this was from last night's episode of the voice, where they survived the knockout round. >> gave me chills, so good. tonight, we talked to the twins from the high school in san mateo. >> i actually feel really good about this one. this one was-- it was definitely what we want to come across, we wanted something that kind of pulled our story, just more stripped-down, and kind of give that vulnerable side was that, i guess, that might have not been seen from the-- from
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before. >> so, they are balancing high school and holly hollywood right now, next it is onto the playoffs with the top 20 acts. >> a credit their sister for saying, try out for the voice, you are good. next, we take you
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okay, so, this is a question a lot of people are asking tonight. is this the end of the big three? we are talking about staff, dre, and clay. >> he said that a half an hour ago, not sure if it is kerr's decision. double have the final say, but whatever it is, the warriors will reset. >> this is like, you don't get to stay on top forever. so, what happens this summer and going into next year, we will worry about that later. >> i love his honesty. he is just so down to earth with everything. >> this was ugly at sacramento, this will be one of the storylines of this off-season, klay thompson, watch, zero points. he was 0 for 10, and he was a free agent going into the off-
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season, people watch this, but he has brought us so many good memories here. as for the kings, always in the shadow of the warriors, not tonight though, darren fox, kings had a 25-15 lead, third quarter, the warriors within one point, steph curry with a three. warriors down by one, but in the fourth, kings would just pull away, one of their stars, the big slammed there, the kings, their biggest win in nearly 20 years, when 18, 94, sacrament advances to the play in tournament, they will take on the pelicans, warriors are done. it will be a long bus ride back to san francisco. giants tonight in miami, once again beaten by the lowly marlins. bottom of the sixth inning, luis with a two run single, marlins win this game, final score of 6-3. at the coliseum, a's and the cardinals , 3296 fans. that is sad. bottom of the fifth inning,
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first major league home run. but the cardinals win this game 3-2. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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it is the final push to the paris olympics this week. dozens of team usa athletes are gathered in new york. among them is danville's maggie steffens. she is a three-time olympic gold medalist, so she is no stranger to the final count and games. 100 days to some people might seem like a long time, and it is time, but was, as athletes it is crunch time. how can we make the most of these 100 days, how can we keep that fire going? >> it is crunch time. tomorrow marks 100 days to the opening ceremony, so make sure to join us, starting on today at the bay. stick around for the today show to see the plaza transformed into the city of light. dozens of olympic hopefuls will join savanna to join their pastor cold. >> i'm getting kind of excited. >> you think of the olympics, it is always so far away, but we are getting there and that will be be gorgeo


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